Sunday, June 12, 2011

bipolar hope group feeds homeless

Pizza, Water, Handy Wipes, Dignity
Bipolar Hope Group feeds homeless.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BiPolar Hope June Food for the Homeless of San Diego Event Sunday June 5, 2011 in honor of Nathan Manning

Greetings Supporters of Mental Health. The Bipolar Hope Support Group will be organizing and distributing Food and Sanitation Items to the San Diego Homeless population in Downtown San Diego on Sunday June 5, 2011.

Meet Downtown on Corner of 15th and C Street at 11am. Prepare to spend an hour of your time helping to feed hungry human beings.

Give someone food and some dignity. Those of us who struggle daily with bipolar condition know what it is like to be unable to function and feed ourselves. As we heal let us not forget there are others who may have not been given what we have.

If you can't make it to event but still would like to donate some food/clothing please email for more info on a drop off site. Thanks!

I Aaron Klein pledge to give back some of what I have been given. Because I can't keep what I have unless I give it away.

Suggested List of Items to Bring or Donate before Event (email with questions)


Bread, Trail Mix, Crackers, Peanut Butter and Jelly


Fresh Lunch Meat

Bottled Water


Fresh Fruits

Hand Sanitizer/Hand Cleaner Wipes

Friday, May 6, 2011

Free and Low Cost Sliding Scale Classes for Family Members, Friends, and Patients of the Depression and BiPolar community

Free and Low Cost Sliding Scale Classes for Family Members, Friends, and Patients of the Depression and BiPolar community. Learn how to live better with the bipolar condition. It is possible for people with disabilities to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.

email for more information on our next class.Classes are filling up quickly so please email or call for more information 414 418 0140

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mood swings of bipolar patients can be predicted, study shows

ScienceDaily (2011-04-19) -- The future mood swings of people with bipolar disorder can be predicted by their current thoughts and behavior, a study has found.