Friday, March 19, 2010

BiPolar Patient Support Group Meeting Thursday June 3 2010 7pm

You may have more control over your condition than you think. It is possible for people with disabilities to lead healthy and meaningful lives.

My name is Aaron Klein. I know what it is like to suffer with chronic depression. I have been there.  I have been through hundreds of hours of therapy. I have taken therapeutic drugs for the last ten years. I struggled for many years because of the Bipolar Disorder.  I am excited to share what I have learned about managing moods, overcoming depression, and improving the quality of my life in many ways.

Let us remember that the core purpose of the group is to provide a safe place for patients with the bipolar condition to learn from each other.

We deserve a friendly place to be ourselves and share openly and honestly what we are going through. It is ok to be yourself at the BiPolar Support Group! All are welcome at the Bipolar Support Group The Group strives to create an environment of healing and tolerance. Share your experience and give your personal input, meet other patients, caregivers, friends and family of the San Diego mental health community! This is a relaxed place to make new friends, share your story with others who care and want to listen.

3949 Ohio Street The Old Mille Cafe San Diego, CA 92105 414 418 0140